These days most of us are too busy to keep up with the picture-perfect standards we see online every day, so it's not out of the norm to notice a little funk in the air every now and again. That's where we come in. We can't clean up your mess for you, but we'll make sure you and your guests can't smell it.
We take pride in being the candles you ACTUALLY can burn. We're shipping out great scents without the big box prices. That way you don't need to use it as a decoration to feel like it's worth buying.

Get candles that look & smell like the vibe of your brand or business. Whether you're looking to work with the Kenny team to create a brand new custom candle line or stock the shelves with your favorite Kennys, buying bulk is the way to go.

POV: you've almost burned your entire Kenny and a new one arrives just in time without ever having to re-enter your card info. Get your favorite Kenny scent every month or be surprised let us choose for you!